Saturday, October 27, 2007

Spooky Stuff

That sound can be heard at various places across Indianapolis including a haunted tour. Learn more at
Central State Hospital- This site is a former institution for those suffering from mental illness. Sadly, patients were sometimes treated cruelly. Today, the hospital is closed but it is thought the spirits of some of the patients remain

Hannah House- This house is one of the most well known haunted buildings in the area. The house was once a stop on the Underground railroad. One day, a fire killed many of the slaves hidden in the basement. It is now a haunted house open to the public.

Glorious Fall


It is fall in the Hoosier state and this is an exciting opportunity to explore the abundace of autumn activities. One of the most exciting things to do in Indiana is visit an old fashioned orchard.

South of Indianapolis, Appleworks, is a premier orchard that captures the delight of apples, pumpkins,a petting zoo and all things integral to happy childhood memories. There is even a train for the little ones to ride on.

Here are some pictures taken by me of the very photogenic and tranquil orchard.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007